Affirmations for Positive Birth (Plus a FREE Printable!)

Birth Affirmation 18


Have you introduced the use of positive affirmations to your pregnancy? Humans have been using language to uplift, affirm, and solidify belief for thousands of years, but you don’t have to be a yogi to take advantage of the effects of positive language!  Continue reading

Choosing Home Birth in the Age of Intervention (The stats might surprise you!)

©Abundant Birth Support

By Camille Nyman, GBCE, SBD


“Love begins at home…”

-Mother Teresa




Shared with permission. Ashly, USA



“…the most incredible experience of my life.” – Emily, USA

“The best thing I’ve ever done.” – Teresa, USA

“…empowering and emotionally satisfying.” – Ashley, Canada

“I was…so relaxed.” – Michelle, USA

“Best experience so far.” – Kirsten, Australia

“I was…singing through the contractions!” – Louise, Ireland

“I can’t wait to do it again!” – Chelsea, USA



When you think about “birth”, the quotes above are probably not the kind of phrases that immediately come to mind. Every day across the globe, thousands of babies are being born.

“The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day around the world. The crude birth rate is 18.9 births per 1,000 population or 255 births globally per minute or 4.3 births every second (as of Dec. 2013 estimate)” [1] (emphasis added).

Year after year, medical advancements are made in obstetric and neonatal medicine. New techniques are studied for pain relief, efforts are made to offset lasting injury, and professionals work to lower infant and maternal death rates internationally. Unfortunately, the culture surrounding birth in developed nations has become increasingly fear-based and intervention heavy, with thousands of women receiving interventions in birth whether they need them or not. I decided to investigate –  do women really have choices in childbirth? Is home birth a viable option for positive birth? Here’s what I found. Continue reading